calendar May 30, 2017 in Equipping, Resources, Roster

Call For Coaching In Times of Change

Call for Coaching

Have you considered coaching to navigate change in the church?

Change is happening all around. Old models of ministry are being set aside, and some are experimenting with new ways of engaging in Christ’s mission in their context. How can we work through the swirl of information and emotion so that we can better lead and guide God’s people in mission and ministry that makes a difference? ELCA certified coaches can help pastors, lay leaders and congregations navigate, grow and even thrive in times of change and transition.

Coaching is an intentional relationship focused on facilitating change and growth in your personal or professional life or in the life of your congregation. Our Synod and the ELCA has invested some resources to train and develop three pastor-coaches in our Synod:

  • Rev. Timothy Ness. (Stewardship)
  • Rev. Karen Sease (Stewardship) and
  • Rev. Mukesh Cheedie (Discipleship)

These coaches have been trained for the purpose of equipping you and your ministry, as well as helping you cultivate fruitful congregational ministries in the specific areas of discipleship and stewardship.

There are many times in the life of a congregation or in the course of a ministry where coaching may be helpful. Here just a few of the situations where coaching may help you change and grow:

  • Personal or professional discernment and transition
  • Congregational change or transitions
  • Starting new mission outreach or ministry initiative
  • Looking for opportunities in apparent crisis.

You may contact a coach for more information:
Pr. Mukesh Cheedie : . Phone 215.757.2724
Pr. Karen Sease: . Phone 610.323.9320
Pr. Tim Ness: . Phone 610.626.5295