Presiding Bishop Eaton and the leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and The Episcopal Church have developed a series of devotions for this Advent season. You are welcome and encouraged to use these devotions individually and in your congregation.
For the past five years, the presiding bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, The Anglican Church of Canada and The Episcopal Church have met to share with one another, provide worship observances for the 10th Anniversary of Full Communion agreements, to advocate for creation and the environment and to call members to prayer for situations of war and turmoil. At their most recent meeting, the leaders agreed to provide Advent devotions for the four churches. Members are encouraged to use and share these devotions in congregations or individually during the season of preparation for the coming of our Lord. ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton provides the devotions for the first week of Advent.
Download the devotions (PDF)