Advocacy, Bishop, Bishop messages, Faith in action
May 18, 2015 in“The area I serve, the five counties of Southeastern Pennsylvania has the distinction of having the highest spending district per student and also the highest poverty district,” Bishop Claire Burkat said at a press conference in Harrisburg in which three Pennsylvania bishops called on the legislature to find an equitable way to fund schools in the commonwealth.
“We want bi-partisan support from legislators to make fair and adequate funding of our students’ education a priority now,” the bishop said. “Please let’s join forces here in Pennsylvania to assure every child the education he and she needs for a lifetime.”
Bishop Burkat with Bishop Ralph Jones of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod and Bishop James Dunlop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod at the Capitol rotunda with Lutheran advocates.
The press conference concluded Lutheran Day at the Capitol, sponsored by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania, which gathered more than 150 Lutherans from around the state for worship, learning, advocacy and action. Lutheran Day at the Capitol lists up our baptismal call to ministry in the public square and the unique voice of Lutheran Christians addressing hunger and poverty.
The 2015 theme of “Homecomings”, focused learning and advocacy on issues that make our Commonwealth a better and more just place to call home.
Read more and get resources from the event at