We are grateful for your support of ministries here in Southeastern Pennsylvania, across the country, and around the globe through Mission Support.
In a new video, the Rev. Karen Sease, assistant to the bishop, shares five things that you need to know about how these gifts are used. You can share this video with leaders in your congregation to help interpret the ways in which we are in mission together!
We are grateful for every dollar your congregation sends in Mission Support. On behalf of Bishop Davenport and the Synod Council, thank you!
Your gifts have local and global reach, funding key ministries of our synod, such as youth and young adult ministry, candidacy and mobility, supporting new start congregations, communications, and more while funding through the ELCA colleges and seminaries, missionaries, military and prison chaplains, and so much more!
This is a 50/50 partnership. Of each dollar, half supports ministry in SEPA and the other half supports ministries across the US and around the globe through the ELCA.
Mission Support is one way that we are all connected. All of these ministries we’ve mentioned — and all the work of our congregations, synod, and churchwide — are yours because they are ours.
Mission Support allows us to do more together than any one congregation can do on its own, expanding our reach out into the world.
From our synod and our churchwide ministry partners, thank you for your Mission Support!