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Assembly Offering

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You don’t have to be at the assembly in person to contribute to our offering, which will benefit our companion synod, the North Eastern Diocese in Tanzania. Learn more here.


All Saints Appeal

“Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals
yet chosen and precious in God’s sight,
and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house,
to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”
— 1 Peter 2:4-5

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Dear Beloved Saints of Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod,

Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod is not made of church buildings covered in Wissahickon schist. You disciples are the living stones of our synod and we remain dependent on Christ as our cornerstone. Each of us are doing ministry in our communities and together we bear witness to God. We are grateful for you and for all our saints!

The work of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod is to equip the saints for ministry.

Our Vitality Team helps congregations strengthen the foundations of faith in our communities while imagining new ways to engage our neighbors. Emerging ministries support those from the margins and center their voices in our church. We develop and deepen leaders in congregations through various trainings, cultivate new mission developers, raise awareness of generosity, and conduct vitality assessments to remind congregations of their value and witness beyond the number of people in worship or money in the offering plate.

The Youth and Young Adult Ministry teams of our synod equip youth, young adult, and mentoring-adult leaders with opportunities to serve, learn and experience Jesus in their daily lives. Planning team volunteers and event chaperones support our young saints in their discipleship journey. Our youth and young adults grow in faith and give witness throughout the synod.

Our Candidacy Committee supports people who are wondering if God is calling them to be a pastor or a deacon in the ELCA. Right now, there are 36 people between the beginning stages of inquiry and waiting for their first call. These saints will become our next generation of rostered ministers called to publicly proclaim the gospel. The Committee of Deans gathers monthly to work through leadership transitions and other needs of our 141 congregations. Through the call process, our congregations continue to discern their witness in their communities and who God is calling to lead them into the future.

Our Communications Team keeps us connected in prayer and support, telling the stories of how God is active at work in the lives of our congregations and communities.

In a world that keeps trying to scatter God’s people through divisions of race and sexuality, our Anti-Racism Team and our Inclusive Communities Team (supporting LGBTQIA+ disciples) gather to remind us that each person is created in the image of God. They invite us to prayer and study, to advocacy and direct action. They provide digital and in-person events to draw us together and spur our communities to the full inclusion and radical welcome of the gospel.

We are building the kingdom with these living stones! Read for ways to participate. Pray for our work together. Give generously and invest in this witness.

The All Saints Appeal launched as way to strengthen relationships between siblings in Christ across the synod and to make sure that our work together is funded to sustain the mission God has given us. With your help, the stories of God’s faithfulness will continue to be told in our synod’s gatherings.

We give thanks for you saints of the Lord – for your witness of beloved community, for your financial support, and for your ongoing prayers for this ministry we do together. Every dollar you give translates into direct mission in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. It takes all of the saints to make this possible.

Visit our website ( or use the enclosed pledge form to make your gift to the All Saints Appeal today. Contact senior accountant Martin Schwab if you need assistance in giving.

God bless you!

The Rev. Dr. Patricia A. Davenport,
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA
The Rev. Karen Sease,
Assistant to the Bishop for Vocations & Leadership/Mission Advancement


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You may also give via credit card by calling Martin Schwab at 267.323.3754.

You may give by check using by completing the form below and mailing with your check to:

All Saints Appeal
Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA
7241 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19119-1723

All Saints Appeal Gift Form

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