St. Andrew’s Repair Cafe’ is Saturday October 26th

St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Audubon 2725 Egypt Road, Audubon

Our repair volunteers will be on hand to help fix your broken lamps and small appliances - sharpen knives and scissors - mending and sewing (including fixing those ripped stuffed animals!) - small furniture repair - and other general repairs. (If you know your item needs a specific part, please feel free to bring it […]

Ordination. Thomas Natalini

St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Audubon 2725 Egypt Road, Audubon

Service of Ordination of Thomas Natalini, February 24, 2024, at 11 am at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 2725 Egypt Road, Audubon, PA 19403. The preacher is the Rev. Giselle Coutinho. Clergy are invited to vest; the color of the day is red.