Posted: August 7, 2023
Our synod will be electing a new bishop at the 2024 Synod Assembly. Bishop Patricia A. Davenport is concluding her six-year term and has informed the Synod Council that she will not stand for a second term.
In 2017 the Synod Council adopted a Continuing Resolution outlining a process to help us prepare for this election. There will be three teams established to handle three different aspects of this important decision.
A Transition Team will develop a Synodical Mission Profile, which will assess the vitality of and hoped-for missional direction of the synod.
A Discernment Team will determine a process for discussing the profile and considering persons who may have the gifts to serve as bishop.
Finally, a Committee on Bishop Elections will oversee the process of the election at the Assembly.
The Executive Committee is seeking persons who may have interest in serving on one of these teams. If you would like to be considered for appointment to one of these teams please fill out the form linked below. Completed forms should be sent by August 21, 2023 to:
Thank you for your prayerful consideration!