Ordination. Thomas Natalini

St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Audubon 2725 Egypt Road, Audubon

Service of Ordination of Thomas Natalini, February 24, 2024, at 11 am at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church 2725 Egypt Road, Audubon, PA 19403. The preacher is the Rev. Giselle Coutinho. Clergy are invited to vest; the color of the day is red.

Celebration of Ministry. Pastor Karen Nelson

Trinity Lutheran Church, Fairview Village 1190 Valley Forge Road, Fairview Village, PA, United States

Pastor Karen Nelson has received a call to serve Trinity, Fairview Village.  We will have a  “Celebration of Ministry” for her on May 5 at 2pm. Reception to follow

Ordination. Ms. Ann M. Shade

Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale 1000 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA, United States

Worship at 10:30 a.m. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 1000 W. Main Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 Clergy are invited to vest; the color of the day is red.

Installation. The Rev. Jonathan Steiner

Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale 1000 W. Main St., Lansdale, PA, United States

Pastor Jonathan Steiner has been called to serve as the Associate Pastor of Trinity, Lansdale. Installation for him will be on May 19 at 2pm. Reception to follow