Tanzania church representatives pose in front of the White House.
A group of eight visitors from our companion North Eastern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania have been experiencing host congregations, social ministry agencies and synodical ministries since Nov. 11.
The delegation from our companion synod includes:
Dean Jonathan Mwamboza brings greetings to the Bishop’s Convocation.
Our guests have enjoyed experiencing a range of SEPA church life, experiencing worship at several congregations, the Rejoicing Spirits worship, and visits to projects run by our social ministry agencies, including KenCrest, Lutheran Settlement House, Lutheran Children and Family Service and Silver Springs-Martin Luther School. The Tanzanian delegation was treated to a tour of Washington DC and have been our guests at the 2009 Bishop’s Convocation.
Synod staff, deans and LTSP President Phil Krey joined the Tanzanian delegation for a welcoming lunch Nov. 12 at the Seminary board room.
The delegation departs Nov. 23 for Tanzania.