This is a Part Time job in Montgomery at The United Church of Christ at Valley Forge
Posted On: January 22, 2025
We are seeking a dynamic musician and choir director to be our next Director of Music Ministry at the United Church of Christ at Valley Forge
We envision a music ministry that is authentic, creative, accessible, embodied, intergenerational, and inviting. We seek someone proficient in keyboard instruments, experienced in directing choirs, and able to draw on a variety of traditional and contemporary music styles to help create moving worship experiences.
The Director of Music Ministry collaborates closely with our Pastor to craft weekly and other holy day services.
Our church is Open and Affirming regarding LGBTQ+ identities, and is an equal opportunity employer. We have an open-minded and open-hearted approach to faith, with a foundation in the Protestant tradition.
The position is part-time, requiring an average of 20 hours per week, and salaried if desired. Our weekly worship services are on Sunday mornings.
A full position description is below.
Apply by sending a cover letter and resume to .
Director of Music Ministry
The United Church of Christ at Valley Forge
The Director of Music will be directly supervised by the Sr. Pastor and will work with the Worship Committee of the church. The position is part-time, requiring an average of 20 hours per week.
The Director of Music will:
• Direct the music program at UCCVF, aligned with our worship purpose and vision.
• Coordinate musical participants in worship: ensembles, liturgical dance, soloists, guest musicians, etc.
• Coordinate music ministry for all-ages (includes children and youth as desired)
• Play the piano or organ (or guitar or other instruments) for weekly Sunday morning worship services, including accompanying the choir, soloists, ensembles, etc.
• Support congregational singing through teaching/song leading (using other instrumentalists/singers as needed)
• Plan and order Senior Choir anthems and conduct Senior Choir rehearsals
• Attend weekly worship planning meetings with the Pastor, monthly Worship Committee meetings, and occasional staff meetings.
• Supervise and oversee purchase of sheet music, the maintenance of worship instruments (organ, piano, etc.), choir robes, music library, and other physical resources associated with the music ministry.
• Manage, in conjunction with the Worship Committee, the music ministry budget
• Schedule music for summer services
• Recruit choir members and encourage participation of ensembles, soloists, instrumentalists, etc.
• Play for wedding rehearsals, weddings, and funerals, when needed and able. This will be with additional compensation
• Play for special services in the church liturgical year such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve, as determined by the Sr. Pastor
• Manage and coordinate any special concerts with approval of Sr. Pastor and any appropriate boards/committees.
• Other duties as needed, with consultation.
Job Category: Administrative, Music