Bring Your Faith to the Table — On May 19 and 20, join people of faith from around Pennsylvania for inspiration, education and participation — in worship, service, learning and advocacy. We will focus on setting bigger, more welcoming, tables in our lives, our congregations, our communities and our Commonwealth. Come for our traditional Lutheran Day in the Capitol or come early and enjoy a day of service, learning and witness with our neighbors of different traditions. Bring a friend — or a team! Learn more and register here.
Kathryn Lohre, Assistant to the Presiding Bishop of the ELCA and Executive for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations & Theological Discernment will keynote Lutheran Day. Lohre will offer a vision of what it could mean to live into the proposed Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment, to be considered at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly. She will also lead a conversational workshop around the wisdom and work that went into the proposed policy statement. Learn more.
Come to the Welcome Table! and join neighbors of many faiths for service, learning, prayer, artistic expression and a community meal — all with an emphasis on strengthening what unites us. The day will feature training to facilitate civil conversations, an interfaith blessing of waters along the Susquehanna, equipping participants for stewardship and advocacy for our common home, and more. This is a great opportunity for youth groups and congregational teams! Learn more and register here.