calendar September 8, 2008 in Global Vision

Support needed for second SEKUCo campus

"sekucoOver the last three years most all efforts at SEKUCo were focused on Campus A with the renovation of 18 buildings. Last year 137 students attended classes there.

Campus B, one mile away, contains buildings remaining from the Magamba Secondary School which are now being renovated to accommodate almost 500 students between the two campuses. Our Synod’s second SEKUCo Sunday on Oct. 5, 2008 will help raise awareness and funds to support this expansion.

Besides the bricks and mortar, there is immediate need for 200 computers. A second library is required, and a Resource Unit for Special Education is needed as well as Chemistry and Biology Laboratories. The speed and capacity of the internet needs drastic improvement, and technology help is needed.

SEKUCo has a proven record of accomplishment thus far. Let us help to complete the needed expansion.

How your gift will meet immediate needs at SEKUCo!

Develop Campus B $500,000
200 computers (@ $1,000) $200,000
Resource unit for special education $30,000
Chemistry and biology labs $25,000
Additional library books (@ $50-100) $50,000
Recruit and develop faculty $100,000

Learn more in the August 2008 issue of the SEKUCo newsletter.