calendar December 4, 2013 in Bishop, Communications, Connecting, Equipping, Roster, Youth

Invest in Your Synod Connections

Every day the leaders and congregations of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod are blessed by a wealth of connections that only happen because of the work of synod staff, deans, contracted experts and dedicated volunteers. Our synod has reformed into a network connecting you to the people and resources that equip you and your congregation for ministry in these very challenging times. You wouldn’t want to reach out to your synod and see “Network Not Found,” would you? Read on to learn how you can support our ongoing network.


Not long ago I met with a pastor of our synod. We had just sent out an email asking support for our It Takes All the Saints campaign. “I skimmed over it, and then I deleted it,” he said.

This opened a conversation about the fact that the Synod is far more than programs. As we talked, this leader realized that there are a wealth of Synod connections and relationships that are a blessing:

  • He’d had several in-depth conversations with his conference dean about his congregation and ministry
  • Bishop Burkat had made a pastoral call when there was a health issue in his family
  • He’d had conversation with Bill Harp about the work he coordinates matching clergy leaders and congregations
  • A Synod e-newsletter interested him in the Practice Discipleship program
  • Youth from the congregation participated in the South Dakota Servant Trip organized by Molly Beck Dean and her team
  • Leaders from the congregation had been equipped by our Youth Ministry and Communicators networks.
  • He appreciated the ability to meet with me to brainstorm a project we’re working on

He stopped mid-list and said, “You know, I’m going to go undelete that email, and make a gift.”

Networks are ubiquitous now, and we often take them for granted. I don’t think about the infrastructure involved until I pull out my cell phone and it reports Network Not Found, or my web browser announces You are not connected to the Internet. In recent years our Synod has reformed itself into a network connecting you to the people and resources that equip you and your congregation for ministry in these very challenging times.

Has your congregation called a pastor or sponsored a member through candidacy? Have you been engaged with one of our new missions or had an evangelism consult with one of our coaches? Have you been blessed by global connections with Tanzania, SEKOMU, and our missionaries, the MacPhersons? Did you send junior or senior high youth to our annual youth gatherings? Have you downloaded documents from our updated website? Are you presently serving on one of the more than 40 ministry teams and networks — including the Faith Formation team, Tanzania Partnership team, Stewardship Resource Team,Transformational Ministry team and so many more — active in our Synod right now. Have you called the synod office with a question, and received an answer? None of these services would be available without synod staff, contracted experts, and many dedicated volunteers who spend hours planning programs, producing resources and being present with the leaders and congregations of our Synod.

If your congregation has ever benefited from this large and growing network, then please make a gift to support our It Takes All the Saints campaign. Even small gifts can help make a big difference.

Would you really want to reach out to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and receive the message, Network Not Found?

Thank you for your partnership in ministry!

In Christ,


Bob Fisher

Assistant to the Bishop, Mission Interpretation