calendar December 19, 2011 in Global Vision

Furaha ya Krismasi!

We would like to send our warmest wishes for a Joyous Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the congregations of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod and to the Bishop and staff. Our Christmas tree is made of pine cones, tissue paper and construction paper. 

We have been very warmly welcomed here. We thank God for all of your prayers and support. We have been very busy caring for the children. The English classes have started and are both rewarding and challenging. Tom has also been very busy with various maintenance type work including chain saw and clothes dryer repair. 

God’s blessings on all.

Susan and Tom MacPherson


Though the MacPhersons are volunteer missionaries, receiving no salary or stipend, they do have service related expenses such as fuel, food, utilities and others.  Your financial support as well as your prayers would be greatly appreciated.  

If you would like to have someone come to your congregation or group or organization to speak about the MacPhersons and their ministry in Tanzania please contact Joanne Carlson, Assistant to the Bishop for Global Vision and Events at "> or 267-323-3759.


Or you may donate via a check payable to Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, with a notation that your gift is to support the MacPhersons. Send checks to:

Ms. Joanne Carlson
SEPA Synod
Wiedemann Center
7241 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia, PA  19119
